Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Saying Hello!

As my first official blog post I suppose some detail about me would be a nice icebreaker. And hopefully get someone reading my blog other than me. I am first a mommy to two beautiful sons that make my world delightful. Theo, my oldest is just past three years old and is half robot half rocket ship. He also possesses the power to make any object (be it his brother’s hands or the cup he is drinking from) fly through the air like a rocket ship with sound and all. He instantly upgrades me to Mama Princess when I put on any dress, and he is incredibly smart. My youngest Max, is a bundle of coos and new noises every day. He is bound and determined to make my heart stop by the time he is six months old. He’ll either do so by learning to be mobile and moving waaaaaay too early for my liking, or by wailing in his car seat because he just plain hates it no matter the situation. He too blows my mind with his intelligence.

My husband David and I were one of those super cheek couples that had a baby without getting married. (Just joking it is not cheek to have a baby before you are planning one, *cough cough* 16 and pregnant/teen mom *cough cough* it just happened to be right for us.) We lived together and raised Theo in our hometown while I did school and he did work. Until we both decided that we were ready to see something more and do something more. David wanted to fill his more void by joining the military, and so he did. He proposed on a Wednesday and a judge married us with our immediate family there to watch on Friday. To us the wedding ceremony was only a symbol of the marriage and really we were already living a married life. After a year of traveling back and forth between our hometown and where ever David was at the time we finally were able to make our move and live together like a family. Costal Virginia we now call home, even if it is considerably more humid and buggier than the desert land we are from.

About six months after being stationed in Virginia we got news that David’s detachment would be deploying on a last minute deployment. This news also came right around the time we found out we were pregnant. With that I held my head high (and my mom and sister’s hands) and delivered Max without David by my side. But it made our first homecoming even sweeter and each moment is even more cherished now. Together we are a happy, messy, loving family of four.

I personally am an artsy person, I love poetry writing it and reading it. I have sang and danced to every song possible, and can understand most of the performing jargon since I have done it most of my life. I own a professional camera with many different lenses and a wonderful editing system but mostly I take pictures of my babies. I have even been known to pick up a paintbrush and paint from time to time. But by no means am I a talented artist in any of these matters, I simply enjoy using the right side of my brain and feel it should be exercised well through many different outlets.

I also find myself untangling and frequently unscrambling the left side of my brain. I am a student studying the medical world. I have a passion for the human body and learning all of its mechanisms and grace. It truly is a miracle just how wonderfully put together we all are.

With all of this knowledge on just how great our bodies work and how we all are really interlaced, I find myself dancing in the green pastures of being a granola mama. That’s right I am one of “those” home-birthing, breastfeeding, co-sleeping, baby wearing, cloth diapering, homeopathic medicine using mamas. And I love it! I promise not to shove it down your throat, but if you do have any questions feel free to fire away!

The rest is really just details, please feel free to comment and help me to navigate through this new adventure I am trying.


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