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Scoop and I on flight #12 |
Yup, thats me. I will probably never forget the extreme loathing I felt radiating off of the other passengers that first flight. I was the enemy, I walked on the plane with my 18 month-old singing. I mean, seriously, he was a baby just singing a little made up tune of his. But for some reason others saw that as a bad omen for a horrible flight, and felt the need to make sure we felt their contempt.
After the first few fiasco flights that involved screaming babies feeding off each others screams, poop explosions, and breastfeeding next to a creepy man, I felt like an old pro. I would like to share my wisdoms and funny stories in hopes that you too will feel like an old pro or at least know that in your situation some one else (me) has been there too.
First, and probably one of the most important tips I feel like I can give is you only need ONE BAG for carry on. You really want to make sure that that bag is a hands free bag as well. There isn't much worse than trying to grab all of your bags and stroller to chase after a toddler to only have your strap fall off your shoulder/ everything fall out of your cute hobo purse/ having to drag (not roll because its upside down) a rollie bag.
So just one bag, I use a super size back pack that has all sorts of pockets. That way when I need to go in search of what I need I know where to find it. No bottomless pit digging is a big plus in my eyes.
Second is baby wearing. Really its awesome. I know you guys know that I am a strap-them-to-you kinda lady but when traveling its even better. Especially if you are traveling with more than one child. Again hands free is just worth its weight in gold. When traveling I use my soft structured carrier (SSC) the Ergo Performance. Maxx on my chest, Theo in the stroller, backpack on my back and we are ready to roll.
When going though security keep in mind that if you are wearing a ring sling regardless you will have to take it off because of the rings and the metal detecter. But you have the option to keep the little ones on if you are wearing a SSC or a woven wrap. The TSA will ask you to please step aside and they will run a small cloth over your hands and process it through a machine to test for explosives. It takes no more than five minutes.
Third is having enough time (and a safe spot) to let your little one burn some fuel. Find an empty gate and let them run loose for thirty or so minutes chase them, play with them and help them to move freely before the flight.
Forth, if you have an overly stimulated child already scratch the above idea and find a (quiet/ solitary) place to help them unwind. Nurse them, read to them, walk with them whatever works best for you guys. Hide under a coat or blanket together and tell stories. Help them to shut out the stimulation from the airport. And if all else fails I use Calm Forte 4 Kids, it a homeopathic blend to help to unwind and get sleepy.
Next, come prepared in that super sized and organized back pack.
Chasing tiny pieces or tiny toys around on a moving plane isn't fun. My boys LOVE all things robots and rocket ships. I make sure that my back pack has at least two chunky robots for them to love on.
A nice movie they love and a good pair of big wrap around your ear kind of headphones. Its not my favorite way to distract them but it helps to let them shut all else out and just relax.
An extra set of clothes, for every thing that may spill, drip, explode, or get them wet you want an extra pair of clothes.
Wet bag/plastic bag and wipes for any of the above you have to clean up.
Attention cloth diapering parents! Consider a 'sposie that is chlorine free/biodegradable, I know it kills me too about having to throw away another thing. Out of sight is not out of mind for my conscience. If you would still like to cloth diaper while flying remember that the used diaper takes up more room than the clean one you are taking out. Leave enough room for those pee soaked ones. And that you may have to go longer than usual without a diaper change, so double stuff/heavy wetter prefold/ extra flat whatever you do for a leaky diaper is a good idea. Bring an extra travel wet bag that zips, just trust me on that one.
If a movie doesn't work bring along a "Craft" for the kids to do to kill time. I say this hesitantly because it depends on how old your little ones are. I have brought play dough to mold on our trays en route, window stickies, crayons and paper, and reusable stickers. As it turns out they are great way for Theo (4) to kill time and he loves all of the above, so does my youngest. But the difference is the Maxx (15 months) wants to have fun eating all of the crafts and my oldest actually crafts.
Last flight Maxx had grabbed a handful of window stickers and shoved them in his mouth before I could scrape them out he had swallowed them. They are bright and colorful and look like gooey candies. I spent the next three poops making sure that he had passed all of them. Not fun.
Snacks! Bring your own. I always feel like I might be paying with my health and soul when we buy airport food. Sheesh that stuff is expensive and pretty yucky. So solutions is bringing a favorite food along for the trip. Try something that won't melt, doesn't need refrigeration, and doesn't need to be heated up. Last trip our snack bags had kale chips, fruit leathers, granola bars, apple slices, homemade chicken nuggets and burritos. I try to make enough munchies for the plane ride and a meal in between flights. It doesn't always work out that way but I would rather have too much food than a screaming child from hunger.
You are getting ready to take off! Its loud, so for the older ones that might get scared pretend its a rocket ship and look like you are having a blast. For the little ones repeat step one but nurse/bottle/pacifier while you get adjusted to altitude.
Laugh, sing, let them sort through your photos on your phone, when the seat belt sign is off let them walk up and down the aisle a few times, explain how the plane works, and remember to be patient with your babies. It is a new and fun experience to fly for the first or even tenth time and they may need a little more time than usual.
Its tough and can be a tiring expedition but YOU CAN DO IT! *weird character in water boy voice*
Anything I miss? Tell me how you fly with your kids and your stories of woe or fun while doing so!