Friday, March 29, 2013

Bible Study

My prayers lately sound something like this:

Please Lord help us. The roar that those are creating about legalizing gay marriage and how torn our nation is right now scare me. Please help those that are lost to see your love, and your light. I know that there can be no light without darkness, but the darkness seems to encase those lost in its claws. Then they too become the darkness. Please help us Lord.

The more dark the darkness, the lighter the light.

This popped up in my newsfeed today:

If you are going to be brash enough to post this, you are asking to open the flood gates of criticism.

First I would like to point out that there is hardly ever a singular meaning of marriage in the bible.

Want some of the examples of what the Bible defines as marriage?

- An arranged marriage—Genesis 24:1-4 (and many other passages) 

- A levirate marriage (If a man died leaving no male heir, his brother was required to marry his widow and produce children)—Deuteronomy 25:5-10 

- A polygamous marriage—1 Kings 11:3 (and many, many other passages) 

- Not inter-racial—Deuteronomy 7:14; 1 Corinthians 7:39; 2 Corinthians 6:14 

- Filled with sexual prohibitions—no intercourse during menstruation (The woman is unclean. Yet another degradation of women.) —The woman cannot withhold sex from her husband; she has to fulfill his desire for sex when he wants it. (And another example of the Bible’s misogyny) 

- Not allowed to be dissolved, i.e. NO DIVORCE—Matthew 5:31-32; Mark 10:2-12; Luke 16:18 

- Except when the man wanted to because his wife had become ‘displeasing’ to him—Deuteronomy 24:1-4 

- Between a rapist and his victim—Deuteronomy 22:28-29 

- An arranged marriage by a slave owner for his slaves—Genesis 24:4 

- Can be between brother and sister 

-Intended to solely to produce children—Without children a woman was: 

Shamed—a barren woman was looked upon as cursed by God 
Unable to be saved—1 Timothy 2:15

Seriously I could go on and on. And never ever does is say that marriage should be between a man and a woman only. EVER. 

Secondly, I would just like to kindly point out that the Bible itself was written around 500 hundred years after Christ's death. Upon writing it the "authors" took the gospels and picked carefully those that would be included and those that would be discarded. Those that were kept were edited and made to mirror the image that they deemed appropriate at that time.

As far as the laws of God? Who are we to decide what laws God has made for us. I know that you are probably reading this going Dan, the Ten Commandments? Don't fret, I haven't forgotten those and in the Ten Commandments I never saw once THOU SHALT NOT MARRY THE SAME SEX EVER. In fact I am pretty sure the whole set of commandments is based on respect. Respect of God, respect of your lover, respect of your peers.

I am not here to try to change your mind and tell you that your conservative views are inferior to my liberal ones but I would like for you to please think before you tell me that Jesus or God does not condone this movement. This is a movement of love, a movement for equality, this is a movement to break ties that create hate. The son of God I feel in my life, smiles at this movement. He is a man of love, mercy, patience and forgiveness. Or is it perhaps we do not know that same God and His son?

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